Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A Night in My City


A Night in My City 

Sun sets in the western sky

Stretching its orange arms in the horizon,

Silver clouds reflect the golden tinge of the sun

Slowly dark veils descend on the earth.

Flights of birds fly across the sky

leaves of the  peepultree murmur the evening hymns.

A puff of cool breeze works its way through the woods

Hark ! I hear the chiming of bells from the shrine nearby


Sound of the wheels die down ; puffs of smoke subside

noise of the crowds become whispers.

A few stars peep out of the clouds

The silver clouds become dense dark clouds

indicating the oncoming of a night shower

The thick green foliage get ready to receive the rain.

The parched seeds under the earth are ready to sprout

 to make this earth a greener one.